Brownies,  Gluten Free

Microwave Bean Brownie

I tried hot yoga for the first time a few days ago! It was excellent and in fact I am going again today!

Hot yoga is an experience every yogi should try. If you don’t like yoga because you find it too “easy” then I highly recommend hot yoga because you’ll be sweating buckets.
I went in for a 75 minute class and it went by so fast! I enjoyed every second of it. Much to my surprise, my muscles were sore the next day. That was strange for me because I hardly ever get sore muscles.

In case you don’t know what hot yoga is, it’s basically a normal yoga class done in a room at a higher temperature.
Some benefits of this form of yoga are: it helps your skin to sweat out toxins, allows you to relax while working harder, relaxes and warms your muscles, its great to escape the cold, and helps flexibility.

I’ve always been a big fan of yoga so naturally I loved this. If you want to try it, find a class near you and don’t be shy!

To help fuel my yoga practice. I have been eating Single Serving Bean Brownies by Kate from What Kate is Cooking all credit goes to her for this great idea! I just changed it a bit and I think it tastes delicious so I want to share it with you. It also has the extra asset of being a healthy indulgence.

In order to get the best results, make sure the bean mixture is well blended and watch your brownie while it is cooking. Microwave times can vary greatly. You can use almost any type of beans. Once I used black beans and another time chickpeas, both turned out great. You also do not have to be picky with the yogurt you use. I’ve used mocha, fruit, and plain flavoured and could not taste any difference.

Microwave Brownies
Adapted from here

1/2 cup beans
1 1/2 tbsp yogurt
1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp maple syrup (or better yet some mashed banana) or to taste
1 tsp chocolate chips (optional but remember chocolate is delicious!)
Dash of cinnamon

Put all ingredients, except chocolate chips, in a blender and blend until homogenous and smooth. Add more yogurt if it is not liquidy enough and blend again.
Move mixture into a small microwave safe bowl
Stir in chocolate chips
Microwave on high for 2-4 min.

This also tastes fantastic prior to going in the microwave and raw 🙂

I bought coconut milk the other day and I’m looking for a vegan dessert to make. Does anyone have a suggestion?

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It’s nice to meet you.

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