Frozen Prune-Butter Spheres of Joy
Its summer time!
Doesn’t everything seem so much better in the summer?
The days are warmer, sunnier, and longer. Days off feel so much better. Fruits and desserts taste sweeter. Rays of sun feel yummy on bare skin.
My favorite summer treats are ice cream, iced coffee, and smoothies. The latter two I usually only have in the summer but ice cream I crave all year round. I wish I had some ice cream right now. Mmmm ice cream. Usually I still prefer having something to munch on then slurp so I made these fun little treats.
This recipe is very similar to my Spheres of Joy but are placed in the freezer to get nice and cold. You could skip putting them in the freezer or allow them to get to room temperature before eating. They taste great each way.
They are also a good snack to help with digestion. The prunes and oatmeal add fibre and act as natural diuretics (just saying)
These are an awesome, cool, sweet, and nutritious treat for a hot day. Enjoy!
Frozen Prune-Butter Spheres of Joy
Smile. What a fun idea Kat! It is hot hot hot today in Austin, so I could use some of these. Thank you for sharing yet another delicious treat. I hope you are having a wonderful 4th of July. Thank you for your kind words on my own blog…you make me smile!
Kate (What Kate is Cooking)
Ice cream is definitely the best summer treat! No summer plans, unfortunately- my next trip isn't til October.
That's clever! I love cold treats in the summer! I definitely had some frozen yogurt tonight 🙂
Lauren (PB&G)
Yum! I even have prunes in the fridge begging to be used! =)
This is the best treat EVER!! I love it! 😀 You are such a smartie. 🙂
I love me some smoothies! 😀
Leanne @ Healthful Pursuit
I love little truffle treats like this. It's great that you added oats!
Kelsey Ann
this needs to be my next combination for energy balls- i love prunes and prune butter would work so well- nice and sticky to combine and hold everything together! yum!
ps. i mentioned you in my newest post (you won the mr. squirrel naming post!
sheila @ Elements
These sound wonderful! And they're so healthy too! Isn't it great when we can enjoy a yummy treat and know it's good for us too! 🙂